Monday, November 12, 2012

Remembrance Day Ride 2012 - Fred

Wow...Great weather for a November. Ten bikes and fourteen people showed at the Timmies in Woodbridge for what most likely will be the last ride of the season. 

It was an eclectic mix of bucolic backroads including a tour of Palgrave country estates all ridden with a gorgeous fall backdrop and balmy temps. In fact, according to Paul we broke a 74 year record for warmest day!! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remembrance Day Ride 2012 - Al

Autumn leaf caught in Lynn's Kawi
This morning, looked out the window and witnessed wet pavement and patchy blue sky through my bleary eyes.

Appears the overnight thunderstorms had subsided giving way to a beautiful day

While Lynn was getting herself together, I rolled the Kawi’s out of the garage to the curb.

I could feel the warmth building in the air. It’s going to be a GREAT day for a fall ride.